There's been much talk since Man first came to being on this Earth, and became conscious of Himself, about his origins. Many religions came to being in an attempt to explain Man's origins and how to carry Himself in an effort to please His creator and in hopes of returning home. Secret societies with their initiations and practices have also attempted to answer the questions asked by Man. Science has also attempted to address this issue through Darwinism and, more recently, through the research and Sumerian translations of Zecharia Sitchin, ancient aliens coming to Earth and, bringing the spark of life, created Man for the purpose of creating a labor force to assist these aliens called the Annunaki.ÂÂ
Now, with a document written by a Native American named Robert "Morning Sky," we are presented with information passed on to Robert's grandfather and six others by "Star Elder" validating Mr. Sitchin's translations as well as filling in the gaps where there are no Sumerian translations. This paper, which Robert wrote in 1996, was criticized immensely by the academic world, as well as major UFO organizations, for being too "out there."  Yet, after reading the document, there is a feeling of "maybe." You be the judge. This document, and its discourse written by Linda S. Santucci, presents a good argument of what Mr. Sitchin has said for many years prior to his passing... that Man was created by ancient aliens for the purpose of being a labor force to assist them. But as you read the document, you will notice that the creator of Man, EN-KI, had much more hopes for Man and His abilities to grow in Spirit. The name of this highly controversial document, along with the discourse (follow the links below), is "The Terra Papers." Again, you be the judge. An open mind and heart will always lead you to the path of Truth. Blessings.
Discourse On The Terra Papers
Enki's Order of the Brotherhood of the Snakes
by Linda S. Santucci
Cylinder seal VA/243, Germany museum; clay cylinder dated about 2,500 BCE. Is it possible this image was documented by Ea-Su lineage descendants at this time? Note, also, the image of planets revolving around the Sun, which Copernicus didn't discover until the 16th Century C.E. Enki, seated, seems to be discussing scientific knowledge or higher wisdom, represented by Enki's serpent imagery.
Introduction ÂÂ
This author has read The Terra Papers (1996) PDF book by Robert Morning Sky, and wrote the below discourse only about the reality of the descendants of the Osirian Mystery Schools through all the centuries of civilization since the reign of Thutmose 1st. Indeed the point in responding on this topic was because of the two primary errors of history by Robert Morning Sky personally, that in effect reverses the sole purpose of understanding a crucial reality of history later in the 18th and 20th Centuries. However, on April 3, 2010 I was notified he has been preparing an updated publication "The Eridu Papers" that is expected to take up some of the same topics concerning the arcane tradition, that this paper has addressed.  This is excellent news because it is expected that his update will also address similar issues of Enki's arcane tradition addressed in On The Terra Papers, which this introduction has already published only briefly concerning the final editing of the discourse. To remain entirely uninfluenced by new information The Eridu Papers, this author will not read it until after On The Terra Papers is completed and published under full U.S. Copyright. ÂÂ
Therefore, should it become published prior to this discourse On The Terra Papers, anything from The Eridu Papers will not be discussed in it. Nothing from The Eridu Papers will be addressed in On The Terra Papers, especially because it was written prior to knowledge that Robert Morning Sky also had been preparing an update of his own, where he wrote on his web site, “The Terra Papers were wrong.â€Â I do not believe that anything is wrong in Morning Sky's The Terra Papers concerning the oral story of Bek-Ti, as passed down from his grandfather. However, what is incorrect was his understanding at the time concerning the nature and intention of Early American Masons extending in a discussion of the arcane traditions generally. This is to Robert’s credit in discovering for himself the nature of the arcane tradition that brought this author into further research beyond The Terra Papers and discussing the nature of the arcane tradition specifically. He and I exchanged friendly acknowledgment by email, he was most kind, and has given me permission to reference him for the further understanding he provided by email, concerning the name of Enki's original brotherhood. This author expects that the themes of both papers concerning the topic of the arcane traditions in particular, will complement each other, and this is excellent while our individual resources and personal experiences are primarily separate. Should issues on the arcane tradition arise after publication of On The Terra Papers that requires further addressing, they will be addressed separately.
Should the aura of mythology surrounding the personality “Enki†be determined finally from the cuneiform evidence found in ancient Sumeria as having a real basis in historical fact, then Enki was a cultural “living godâ€Â. Analysis of the well-known scholarly transliterations of ancient cuneiform history along with the oral story of Bek-Ti that was passed on to Robert Morning Sky, identifies Enki for this author as the original initiator of the traditional arcane spiritual or mystery schools from his own direct star world training in the “Osirian†mysteries of the universe. The arcane tradition spread globally throughout the history of civilization, consistently was as real as told by Bek-Ti under proper analysis of the confirming cuneiform text with his additional information as provided in The Terra Papers. In fact, after Akhenaten especially, Enki's Easu spiritual lineage descendants were present and were silently active in helping to influence constructive changes through every important political and cultural process of  changing in the subsequent eras of human civilization. ÂÂ
Today Enki is no longer recognized merely a mythological “god†from the morality tales that originated with King Marduk’s reign of the region of Egypt around 3100 B.C.E., which was thousands of years subsequent to his earliest rule and organization of the first civilization of Sumer in 3670 B.C.E. under the oversight of planet Eridu Administrators, Lord Enlil and Lord Enki. The Sumerians--Their History and Culture (1971/1973), by Samuel Noah Kramer is filled with the mythology stemming largely from Mardukian cuneiforms and other evidence, in this author's opinion. The transliterations of all well-meaning scholars reveal distinctive differences that unwittingly became mixed together. On further study, after understanding how Bek-Ti's information fills in the blanks of the inconsistencies, it becomes understandable that it is necessary to sort out the Mardukian history from that which also was left behind by the Easus and also other Anunnaki lords who did not leave the planet Eridu for some time after Enki and Enlil were gone. Most archeologists and scholars formerly could not begin to know otherwise, until the later work of Zecharia Sitchin and others including Stephanie Dalley, and now in understanding Bek-Ti's appearance on the scene and with it, information that helps to identify the marks of each of the ancient cuneiform resources that contradict Marduk's version of early human history and civilization. A few examples are provided in On The Terra Papers demonstrating the ability to identify some of the most important, but simple points of Mardukian history that are inconsistent with the other versions, and the hope is that scholars with the direct resources, the specific scientific ancient evidence including written histories and cultural stories, will recognize the need to sort out the ramifications that will correct the ancient history unique to Marduk, and reveal for the general public, the continuity with the magnificent truth of the prehistoric Anunnaki, before Marduk.
In the final analysis, because of Bek-Ti’s information that helps to fill in the blanks that are confirmed empty or distorted in the Mardukian cuneiform history, the world can now know the even greater history of the prehistoric development of the human race on earth.  It's time to sort out the differences in the sources and motivations of even the ancient stories provided, and Bek-Ti's story helps to consider other possibilities concerning "the history and character" of greater star world personalities than Marduk.
Zecharia Sitchins’s cuneiform transliterations and others' reveal ancient history that indeed has been instrumental in establishing Enki as both a real, living Anunnaki, who came to earth from the star world of Sirius referred to as Nibiru, and also, the mythological god as he was portrayed in some stories. Nibiru remains undiscovered in our galaxy, although NASA reported in television documentaries as of 2010 that scientists have now discovered several other earth-like planets not yet further explored, except that they are earth-like. Other scholars have published independent, confirming transliterations of the ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts making them now accessible for the public beyond the scientific and religious community. Their conclusions in discussions of early history have not necessarily addressed the significance for humankind, of Enki's initiation of his Order of the Brotherhood of Snakes, if the name was included at all in the published transliterations.  Knowledge of its establishment at all, is one of the pieces of information that explains the basis of both the ancient Egyptian Osirian Mystery Schools, and also the purpose and significance of the human arcane tradition that was continued in subsequent generations of humanity through the silent, often subtle work of the spiritual lineage of his Easu teachers.
Altogether, the cuneiform transliterations provide points of greater analytical realization that explains the far more significant stature of the real person Enki through consistencies with the facts as described by Bek-Ti in The Terra Papers, especially stemming from confirmations that Mardukian history contains highly suspect and otherwise discounted “facts†as presented on the Mardukian cuneiforms.
The other resource information from the known cuneiform texts on further analysis, are recognized as most probably not written under Marduk’s oversight, and instead were written by Enki’s arcane lineage descendants, the Ea-Su master teachers long after Enki returned home to his star worlds near Sirius and the Orion constellation, also the knowledge source in combination, “Osirisâ€Â. The broader, more public story of the ancient astronauts, who came from the stars to colonize the Empire of Eridu, our planet Earth, begins in the late 1940s, and later the 1960s with the first college paper by Robert Morning Sky, The Terra Papers. In 1996, after discovering the early publications by scholars that became available for the general public, Robert wrote his public version of Bek-Ti’s story in The Terra Papers and made it available on the Internet. Only with the oral story of Bek-Ti the star elder who visited Earth, is our prehistoric history more fully recoverable, after it was all but lost to human civilization after the takeover of Eridu in 3100 B.C.E. by Marduk, first Egyptian King and self-proclaimed “Sun God Ra†of Egypt. Robert Morning Sky wrote in The Terra Papers (1996):
“Challenging other Royal family members for the throne, including his uncle, Prince En-Lil, and even his father, Lord Ea (En-Ki), Marduk would use war, works of intrigue and even the deadly art of betrayal to try to seize the throne.â€Â p.40
Sitchen explained why the Anunnaki lived thousands of years on earth according to their star world time based upon the number of revolutions of planet Nibiru. Marduk was an Anunnaki, born in "Sirius" and son of Enki ironically, who also lived thousands of years on earth. However, more importantly, Enki himself did not permit Marduk's induction into The Order of the Brotherhood of the Snakes, the first arcane Osirian mysetery school. Marduk further was not the rightful heir to the Empire of Eridu, under the same descendancy rules that excluded Enki as heir to “the throne†of Eridu. King Anu and the Council of 12 representing the ASA-RRR star world empire that included planet Eridu, formally declared Enki's elder brother Enlil and his descendants the official heirs. However, Marduk was not satisfied with becoming a regional ruler in Egypt under the oversight of his father Enki, and wanted rule over humankind on Eridu (our planet Earth today). Eventually he had his way, but it was without the blessing of his grandfather King Anu of the Sirian star world and the Arian Queens of Orion, contrary to Mardukian cuneiform history. It was by Marduk’s rebel insurrection of the administrative authority of Eridu, where he finally usurped absolute power and control internally. Marduk gained control of the Empire of Eridu through a long-time process of expelling the leaders from the ASA-RRR Empire, as a result of his deeply ingrained cultural, internal infiltration of Enlil’s administration.ÂÂ
General history reflects that there were a number of regional rulers or kings throughout the early tribal cultures on earth.  Sumer, however, was the first described early civilization. Marduk's general historic recognition is primarily as the first ruler of Sumer who was responsible for organizing the first great human civilization on earth in the region of Enlil's responsibilities for administrative oversight. General history, as well, is obscure and confusing concerning whether Marduk was, in fact, the first "king" of Egypt. What is left to us simply that “some believe†that Marduk was, in fact, “Menesâ€Â. In any case, if we are counting human history from 3670 B.C.E. in Sumer, and if we accept the followingâ€â€Ã‚Â
        that Anunnaki lived thousands of years in earth time.
        that Marduk usurped Enki’s assigned region of Egypt in 3100 B.C.E.
        that Marduk’s deposition of Thoth’s rule is the very mark identifying his usurpation of Enki’s assigned region of Egypt, described in the cuneiform texts, then indeed:
The determination concerning the identity of the first king of Egypt, aka Menes, would focus clearly on the event of Marduk’s usurpation in becoming the first king of ancient Egypt. The marker of the time of Marduk's take-over will be further discussed in the Discourse.
Briefly, Marduk’s rulership of Sumer as of 3670 B.C.E. has been confused with the second, much later rulership following his take-over of the rule the “Empire of Eridu†virtually from both Enlil and Enki under their Sirius star world father and ruler, King Anu of the ASA-RRR Empire, as explained by Bek-Ti. Although Bek-Ti’s story in The Terra Papers takes a rather general approach to the timing of important historic events, even so, the analysis of his story clearly delineates two separate administrative periods for Marduk, when compared with events as recorded under Mardukian history from known cuneiform transliterations available to date. It was under Marduk’s rule of early Egypt before the dynastic period, which became the point when the prehistoric star world history of humanity was sublimated for future generations. The earlier development of Sumer under Marduk’s leadership assigned to him by Enki with a recorded cuneiform history reporting the blessings and praises of King Anu for Marduk's work, was not about his rule of Egypt, but instead, was earlier when he organized the Sumer civilization. The history claiming that Marduk was praised by King Anu, also was recorded only later after 3100 B.C.E. under Marduk’s Egyptian kingship.  It is revealed as a stark distortion, in this author's opinion, where it was written that his rule (then of Egypt after the take-over) was with Anu's support, praises and blessings from the home star world of Sirius. This is one example of the manner in which Mardukian history effectively erased from the record the prior history of the Anunnaki colonialization, as Bek-Ti reported it occurredâ€â€by swapping two separate truths: His administrative development of Sumer that was praised as though the praise was for Egypt instead. Thus, he sublimated even the early foundations he's credited with in Enlil's assigned region of Sumer surrounding the ancient colony of Eridu, and Mardukian history was written as if Sumer and Egypt were the same regime in the same unbroken time period, and, also, that he was the sole ruler of the earliest "human civilization". In this estimation, the claim of Anu's blessings understood as being for his role singly as "Marduk king of Egypt", but it was cover, in his efforts to establish his stature as king of the known contemporary world amongst the people still living after the take-over, who knew Enlil and Enki as real Anunnaki Lords. The approval was not there for his usurpation of Enki’s region of Egypt, nor of any power under Marduk for the Empire of Eridu that was stolen from King Anu's and the Arian Queens' ASA-RRR Empire, of which Eridu was but one small planet. This will be discussed further in the discourse On The Terra Papers.ÂÂ
The greater fact especially  for this discourse, however, is that investigations have already shown that the story of Bek-Ti under analysis with common facts published by scholars, also reveals the history of the source of the “Osirian†teachings in a way that resounds profound universal truths behind the western arcane traditions that have been traditionally accepted as having originated in ancient Egypt, pointing to the Osirian mystery schools specifically.   In 1525 B.C.E. under Thumose 1st in Egypt, the establishment of the Osirian tradition according to Bek-Ti's information, was actually instead, the restoration of the Temple of Osiris and with it, the Osirian Mystery Schools. During this dynasty the religious leadership of Abraham was one of many branches of the arcane "higher knowledge" initiated into Enki's "Osirian teachings", or "Enki's Way". The presence of the followers of Abraham firmly established the Isrealites significantly in Egyptian history, and in the greater history of humanity in the analysis of this Discourse.  Moses who was born during a subsequent dynasty, was both a son of the Israelites, and also, as an adopted son of the Pharoah after he was born, he received further direct training in the Osirian mysteries, according to Egyptian historian Ahmed Osman. The Ea-Su master teachers, including their own initiatic lineage descendants, spread throughout the earth at all levels of religious and secular society including the highest levels of politics, for the purposes of Enki's mandates to pass on and apply the tenets for humanity, of the Osirian spiritual knowledge he had taught them. Politics, as well as religious issues, was included with their arcane presence in each new era, depending upon the cultural needs of each period of humanity especially.  This is discussed further in the Discourse.
It is very important to understand that the Easus followers in Enki's arcane tradition were involved at various levels of religion from east to west including Catholic and Protestant, Judaic and Buddhist, Hindu religions and others . The history of Abraham's people is best known for its religious story, and, thus, it became tied especially to the history of Christianity. The greater significance of the story, however, is that Abraham's initiatic leadership was developed in Ur, which was part of the earlier culture of ancient Sumer originally, until the take-over by the Persiansi n Abraham's lifetime. In Egypt, through the "House of David" or Solomon's Temple, the arcane tradition was continued into the new dynastic era.  The Osirian mysteries were never "lost" all during Marduk's rule following his take-over of "Eridu".  Further, this author believes that Abraham's own initiatic descendants carried the same arcane traditions amongst other cultural establishments of the known world, only far more silently, as silently as the tribes of Moses who became known as the "lost tribes of Israel." The 10 tribes of Moses were lost to common history in much the same way as the initiatic members of the arcane tradition, in this author's opinion, after the two tribes departed at Mt. Sinai, and went into Judah where their religion of Judahism became known to this day amongst the great world religions.
If the source of the Osirian knowledge, aka Sirian and Orion knowledge of certain Anunnaki colonists of the planet Eridu (Earth) further substantiates the higher hidden knowledge of a star world ancestry then this discourse "On The Terra Papers" helps to reveal a very important piece of the puzzle for those who continue to seek the truth left to us by prior ancient civilizations. The many allegorical stories from ancient religions become better understood for their deeper, more meaningful reality. All religions of the world would realize a greater significance concerning the true "error" or "original sin" that was not humanity's, and was instead the responsibility of Mardukian history in the final analysis, for distorting prehistoric Anunnaki colonial history, the history of Sumer and an understanding of the nature of Marduk himself. Especially misleading was the cuneiform Creation Epic dated around 3100 B.C.E., and the nature of God in relationship to humanity as a result of Marduk's personally established religion for the early people of Egypt under his rule when Enki was gone. Under Enki, for example, men and women were equal in mind, heart and the spark of the divinity of God resident within their Soul. All religious dogmas since have suffered under certain varied delusions as a result of the misconceptions about universal laws of God understood by the lineage descendants of Enki's arcane mystery traditions. The word "omnicience", or omni-science helps to explain the nature of God's spiritual laws, working without fail, given the causal nature of all conditions. In all the great changes in the new ages of time since, spiritual leaders delivered messages of love and universal understanding so that gradually through the generations, humanity on earth would continue realize the greater significance of God's ever-present connection in their lives individually and collectively on earth.
However, further in the final analysis, the responsibility for realizing truth is individual for each human being since Marduk's rule of Egypt, but also due to Enlil's and Enki's "human" errors before him.  The earliest, completed humans were the most perfect specimens of complex scientific, genetic development, but later something went terribly wrong. Only the individual can find within, the way to our source of truth in life and living, because of Enlil's and Enki's errors, as well as our own individual errors. Mardukian authoritarian history had a basis of "error" as "sin". A flaw in humanity was discovered as a result of the errors of Enlil and Enki, but too late. By the time Enki discovered the error, there was no turning back the genesis already established for generations by that time, when Enki and Enlil then took different alternate steps to help return humanity back to the best possible state, after "the Fall". Enlil had attempted to destroy all the human hybrids of both primary species; but Enki sustained them and provided an arcane system of knowledge for their continuing evolution of generations to come.ÂÂ
The arcane spiritual tradition became Enki’s long-term solution for the grievous error caused primarily by Enlil when in secret, he had his own genesis scientists conduct some limited genesis science of his own on the earlier Adapa hybrids. Enki didn’t know that he should have considered the serious potential that the Adapas would not remain a separate species from the Adamus, and that he should have taken steps to prevent that possibility occurring in the more completely developed genesis of the Adamus hybrids. Enki could not change the kind of complex genesis that must be developed further at that point. It would require Nature’s own divine processes to reverse it over future generations for all of humanity on earth. Subsequently 4,000 to 6000 years would be required for Nature’s natural evolutionary process to bring the entire human species back to the capacity originally designed by Enki.
In order to accomplish the best possible individual improvement to future members of the human species wherever they were born or whatever their social status, Enki initiated The Order of The Brotherhood of the Snakes.  Through his Osirian teachings, he initially provided his Adamus hybrid species very early with the universal tools of understanding, that would become expandable uniquely for each individual, through "Enki's Way" and would be essential for thousands of years in recovering the level of development that he had originally intended for humanity. Students who completed their trials and testing and became Easus or teachers, were obligated then to pass on to the next generation of humans whether male or female, Enki's Osirian knowledge; but their own candidates' demonstrated abilities must also be in accordance with his original mandates.  This became the primary thesis behind the necessity for the arcane spiritual tradition that was first initiated by the highest Anunnaki genesis scientist, Lord Enki, who with his brother Lord Enlil, colonized and developed prehistoric Eridu. They very possibly conducted their final and greatest prehistoric human genesis experimentation during the latter Paleolithic period while Neanderthal was still hunting and gathering.
Some facts of Bek-Ti's story may be either not yet discovered on cuneiforms, or they may be details not even thought to have been necessary even for Enki to address with his Ea-Sus or for his Ea-Su descendants around 2500 B.C.E. long after he was gone. The most probable independent artist of the 2500 B.C.E. cuneiform image of Enki at the top of this discourse was one of his Ea-Su lineage descendants. The ancient history left on cuneiform tablets between around 4,000 B.C.E. and as late as in 2500 B.C.E. from earth’s earliest civilization ruled by Enki's son Marduk, seem to have created a new controversy for scholars and other truth seekers. The stories as told by Bek-Ti and the historical stature they represent in their consistency is important to consider concerning a potential cover-up by Marduk the prehistoric history that he reported was covered up of the "prehistoric" history by Marduk. Even the cuneiform Mardukian history virtually was unknown to humans generally until very late in the 20th Century.  Previously, only scholars, scientists and church clerics knew the Mardukian history. In some of the early comparative mythology made available, scholars, if they discussed the relevant cultural stories at all, presented Enki and Enlil largely as mythological gods, or “characters in the storiesâ€Â, rather than as real historic personalities. Other stories, however, present them as real living "gods" or Anunnaki leaders.
Because of the story of Marduk especially in The Terra Papers, the logical question should be, whether the original Sumer cuneiform stories might, in fact, have been Marduk’s own fabricated history effectivelyâ€â€making Enki and Enlil into the “mythological gods†for his own purposes as described by Bek-Ti in the change-over of his rule over the people. Bek-Ti, the star elder who told the story in The Terra Papers, must not be summarily dismissed as anything except what Robert’s grandfather explained to him in the story he passed on, with five other Apache youths long ago.  Did King Marduk, as Bek-Ti’s oral story tells, have anything to do with writing those particular myths after taking over Eridu from Enki and Enlil, as part of his reported erasing of prior history, and, also, distorting the original history? Do cuneiforms exist that were written earlier than Marduk’s Egyptian reign, or even later than Marduk by Enki’s own Ea-Su descendents recording their own history?  These are yet to be uncovered, or yet to be published, although some texts already available contradict Bek-Ti's oral story now documented by Morning Sky, especially seen in The Creation Epic texts by comparison. This is explained in the discourse, On The Terra Papers.
Today enough transliteration has been done that begins to tell the truth, that either Enki or his hybrid Adamus Ea-Su teachers and spiritual lineage descendants of The Brotherhood of the Snakes left behind Enki’s history, on cuneiforms dated especially as late as around 2500 B.C.E. Content of these important stories about Enki's work especially on Eridu is already significantly “different†from Mardukian history concerning the arcane tradition, where Enki did not share the Osirian mysteries with his son Marduk, explained by Zecharia Sitchin. The reign of Marduk left enough of the trail necessary, indicating contradictory facts of his own history that was rewritten in a way even suggesting that Enki and Enlil were “probably†not real personsâ€â€or more, just as Bek-Ti has explained in The Terra Papers. It seems that Marduk may have believed he must maintain absolute continuity in the changeover, between the known past and the new culture he would design. He would need to maintain political control over the people still living in 3100 B.C.E. During his time in power, the people would continue to have direct memory of Enki and Enlil as "living gods", and their own family descendants would hear the oral family stories about them, also. The Anunnaki considered themselves sons of God, however, because their father "in heaven", the stars, was King of Nibiru, or their home near the star Sirius. The record left by Marduk's history seems to be a combination of stories of people including Enki and Enlil as real persons who now he termed “evilâ€Â, and a combination of mythological tales underlying his own new cultural religion for Egypt.
The first “civilization†on Earth was not Sumer, according to The Terra Papers; it actually was the mining colony of planet “Eridu†according to Bek-Ti, co-ruled by brothers, Lords Enki and Enlil. “Nibiru†is the name given the home planet near Sirius according to other sources studying the archeological evidence naming the original star world where Enki and Enlil came from; however, The Terra Papers refers to them simply as “Siriansâ€Â. On earth during their time here, they and their colonial entourage were known as the Anunnaki, “those who came from the stars to the earthâ€Â.ÂÂ
In the 20th Century they became known generally, at least, as ancient astronauts who "visited" planet earth during the period of the early tribal civilizations. Today they are recognized finally as real living, ancient persons who looked very much like humans, and first colonized our prehistoric planet for mining purposes. The cuneiform transliterations seem to differ on spelling the name that they used for our “Earth†referring to the “colony†or town of Eridu on the map today, and this author continues to use the name for our planet as given by Bek-Ti, which is "Eridu", acknowledging the colony by the same name, also. Was this, also, a possible intended subterfuge of facts by Mardukian history that created confusion about the reality of an entire planet Eridu, by writing it in terms of it as a "colony" of Sumer?
Much research has become better available today in 2010 since Robert Morning Sky first put his grandfather’s oral story into a PDF file in 1996, as The Terra Papers; the original publication is still available at third-party web sites, and a link as of this date is provided below. It is a creation story primarily, but with follow up concerns about modern political history. Also, it stirred up a modern controversy over whether the story of Enki especially is mythological, or real.  Both versions have been transliterated, some of it as mere poetry which could be another method of subterfuge of the fact of their real prehistoric existence. Enki has been reported by some, as one of the “living godsâ€Â, but still by others as “mythological†characters. However, in 2001 Zecharia Sitchin published his findings attributed to "Enki" from ancient Sumerian cuneiform stories and called it The Lost Book of Enki. The information presents Enki as a real living human-like individual, and, yes, it substantiates some of what Bek-Ti told, including Enki's genesis science that developed the hybrid Adamus, human race. However, at the same time, The Creation Epic attributed to Enki erroneously, and erroneously because of one important piece of information provided by Bek-Ti the star elder: the story described Adama as the first of the "Adapas" human hybrid that was successful, whereas, Adama according to Bek-Ti was the first Adamus human hybrid, and was superior to the Adapas in their genetic make-up. The Creation Epic as presented in transliteration by both Sitchin and Dalley separately, does not include any mention the creation by Enki, of the Adamus hybrid humans. It is not the error of the scholars transliterating the content; it is the error of Mardukian history, and it needs follow-up verification by the scholars in their ongoing analysis of the attributions of the direct Sumerian cuneiforms.ÂÂ
After further review of several of Zecharia Sitchin's publications on the topics for the purpose of this discourse "On The Terra Papers", clearly and rightly so, he is a scholar whose work bringing the Sumerian cuneiform histories to the general public continues growing in stature with people searching for the truth of our common human heritage. Furthermore, this author finds that Bek-Ti's oral story, coming from a "star elder' to the Apache American tribesmen in the 1940s, was intended to fill in some of the essential continuity concerning perhaps the most significant heritage left behind as a gift to humanity from Lord Enki and the original Adamus hybrids. The human species has merged into the greater single race identified on the evolutionary scale as Homo homo sapiens. Bek-Ti's oral story potentially contains most significant information needing integration with the known scholarship and the scientific record. Again, the oral story provides information that is either not yet officially discovered, or may not have been included inadvertently even in the cuneiforms that may have been dictated by Enki himself or that were written by his Ea-Su teachers or spiritual arcane lineage descendants.
Bek-Ti makes a clear distinction of the earlier Apa, then Adapas hybrids designed for Enlil’s mining needs, able to simply follow orders in performing physical labor; and only later were further developed for the physical ability for speech and administrative functions. He emphasizes that the Adamus hybrids were considered the most successful human beings, because of unique genetics exclusive to them alone, provided by Enki's genesis science. The first human being, Adam aka "Adama", was the first successful Adamus hybrid, developed genetically from: Enki’s own royal family blood, and additionally, the Akhu Lords’ unique “Gift of the Featherâ€Â. The Adapas received only minimal genetics, and to make matters worse later for Enki’s originally pristine Adamus, Enlil’s own secret geneticists, not as skilled as Enki, inadvertently created imbalanced genes in the Adapas, and they caused so much chaos and destruction that he tried to destroy them all. There is deep significance to the error and subsequent ramifications concerning humanity’s ongoing spiritual evolution, which Enki then made essential in the evolutionary process for correcting the further inadvertent error of the Adapas' genetic integration with the Adamus. Enki had believed the Adapas, as he had left them, could not procreate with the Adamus, before Enlil's genetic intervention, but it was another error of the brothers.
Zecharia Sitchin's writing in Chapter 7 of The Cosmic Code demonstrates certain knowledge about the arcane tradition of Enki. He brings solid, personal insight from a perspective of the ancient "Israelite" lineage stemming from Abraham. However, it is important for the reader to understand the broader context of the hidden Osirian knowledge beyond that Sitchin which references appropriately and nonetheless.  Sitchin quoted a most important statement from Sumerian history, where he observed adroitly the significance of both science and religion, and the arcane tradition, as well, in The Cosmic Code:
“‘Everything that we know was taught to us by the gods,’†[from Sumerian cuneiform history].  (Sitchen, The Cosmic Code (1998), Chapter 7: Secret Knowledge, Sacred Texts)
Therefore, the following discourse expounds upon the broader context of the spiritual arcane tradition.  While we can understand that the word usage of "god" in one ancient civilization does not necessarily mean the same in later, more modern civilizations, the allusion to spiritual knowledge represented by the term "god" with a small "g" was a matter of respect in the use of any cultural title of stature, in much the same manner as we respect "Ph.D." for specific scholarly disciplines today. The arcane lineage begun by Enki in The Order of The Brotherhood of the Snakes has continued through the millennia as the essential final touch of his genesis genius. Deepening the capacity for all humanity is the ability for humans independently to enhance their personal development through an ongoing process of natural spiritual evolution that transcends all false beliefs and superstitions subsequent to the influence of King Marduk’s reign over the early human civilizations especially as of 3100 B.C.E. Universal doctrines stand alone in their universal truths running through all religions, but dogmas eventually fall away because they were established not based upon universal law, but from personal opinions within the context of contemporary cultural norms of the previous human eras.ÂÂ
Enki’s greatest achievement beyond his advanced genesis work in developing the human race on earth was the gift he provided them, of the ability to imagine, to analyze, and to strive for creative effects in their lives. Through the process available to all humans, he left the ability of making free choices in thought, word and deed, and through millenniums, this allowed his own misjudgment combined with Enlil’s grievous error, eventually to correct itself through the process spiritually (through omni-science)of attaining the higher, enduring inner knowledge available within, to all humans.  Through the shear power of individual free will, plus a fervent, passionate desire for further knowledge and understanding of immutable universal laws, one is able to make ever better, more appropriate choices in life.
Dr. Samuel Noah Kramer wrote much earlier in the 20th Century that Sumer “developed out of [a] village and town [Eridu referenced] in the second half of the 4th millennium B.C.E. and was a flourishing institution throughout the 3rd millennium.â€Â Bek-Ti made clear, contrary to Mardukian influence on the history of human civilization, that "Eridu" was actually a reference to the entire prehistoric, colonial planet centered around the first town identifying it as the administrative center for the Empire of Ediru. The evidence of star world inhabitation possibly developing the Cro-Magnon stage of Homo homo sapiens on Earth is already known from ancient, crude images and sculptures made by them and later photographed, of what would have been star world astronauts in the ancient regions of the earth, before civilization existed. Erich Von Daniken first published these photographs and told the story of his findings that science would not yet acknowledge for the world, in his 1968 book, Chariots of the Gods. The 4th millennium B.C.E. corresponds roughly with the unknown exact time period when Earth might have already developed the first successful human hybrid species, Adapas and then Adamus. However, this may have taken hundreds of thousands of years to finally achieve by the colonial Anunnaki, real star world people named Enki and Enlilâ€â€whose story is told according to Bek-Ti in The Terra Papers. The 3rd millennium would coincide with the period of King Marduk’s takeover of the Empire of Eridu discussed in greater detail in the discourse “On The Terra Papersâ€Â.ÂÂ
Anthropologist Sasha (Alex) Lessin, Ph.D., adds credence and generates respect for the evidence transliterated and provided from Zecharia Sitchin’s “revolutionary proofs of extraterrestrial miners on Earth from 450,000 years ago.†The ancient astronaut miners in Enki's and Enlil's Anunnaki entourage, were from planet "Nibiru" (the Sirius star world described by “Bek’Tiâ€Â, as spelled in The Terra Papers). Dr. Lessin wrote the following online in the Internet presentation, Enki Speaksâ€â€
“Enki/Ea is the Nibiran who (4,000 years ago) dictated his autobiography to his scribe, Endubscar of Endu….â€Â
“Sitchin translates clay scrolls and inscriptions from ancient Sumer and other early civilizations on Earth. He owns the world's largest acknowledged collection of such evidence. Sitchin's Sumerian information frees us from the stranglehold of organized religions, governments and corporations that feed on ignorance of our true origins. Everything changes for us when we realize, thanks to Sitichin’s translations, that the gods of old were merely people like us--but longer living--with more advanced technology.…â€Â
“Nibirans recorded impeccable evidence that theyâ€â€extraterrestrialsâ€â€settled and civilized Earth. Evidence they left includes stone-carved star charts that map Neptune, Uranus, Plutoâ€â€three planets beyond eye-range from Earth. Maps chart rocket routes through our solar system. The maps feature accurate geographical details of the entire Earth. Details on the maps could only have been charted from space. One such detail on the maps is an accurate drawing of the landmass under the Antarctic ice sheet. The astronauts were able to map Antarctic land after 11,000 B.C., because the sheet had slid into the South Sea, caused the Deluge and drowned most Earthlings.
“Our science confirms the records the gods dictated to their scribes. We have verified and continue to verify the Nibiran goldminers' genetic, metallurgical, geological, scientific, mathematic, astronomical accounts. Modern biology validates Sumerian engravings of Enki and his sister Ninmah splicing double helix DNA to create an Earthling worker. Our science still can't move and join giant stone slabs as did the Nibirans for their navigational landmarks. Nibirans fitted huge rocks for the launch pad in Lebanon, the Giza pyramids and monuments on our moon, Mars and on Mars' moon, Phoebos….â€Â
Bek-Ti’s story is a modern “alien encounterâ€Â, true. However, the consistencies of his story, telling the Sirian side of things that he shared, is fairly substantiated by the fact that there is consistent, relative information provided about the same personalities, places and culture before Marduk was the king of Egypt.  As ruler of “Eridu†after the takeover, Bek-Ti said that Marduk “erased†and “rewrote†prehistoric history of the star world colonization before him. Some of the history recorded officially today by scholars is consistent with the history Bek-Ti brought to bear on subjects important to him apparently as an emissary, although it may take close, analytical scrutiny to unfold any potential inconsistencies of the Marduk period of cuneiforms written under his control. Some of Enki’s Ea-Su descendants might have written the history passed on from Enki, even before Marduk might have been dictating his own story to scribes. In any case, in the interests of open research where others may also find important facts from the Apache cultural mythology as a result of Bek-Ti’s contribution, this discourse below is offered. Experts may later sort out further factual resolutions about Enki’s ancient history.ÂÂ
This author will be responding accordingly from a personal recognition and acceptance of Bek-Ti's story now proposed for further mythology comparisons, because at some future time, it may potentially be fully adopted within the comprehensive body of respectable evidence. Archeological science and anthropology may determine that the story of The Terra Papers deserves the dignity and respect of an honest, open query, given at least one archeologically significant comparable reality beyond this author's concern here especially in realigning an understanding of the nature of arcane spiritual lineage described. That is, that the details provided in The Terra Papers giving Bek-Ti’s oral story as told to Robert Morning Sky's grandfather, are consistent with the related history already given in the mythology as late as the 3rd or 2nd millennium B.C.E. Sumerian cuneiform tablets.  Does Bek-Ti's story speak out in a kind of consistency about Marduk's underlying potential distortion and the erasing of human history prior to his reign, at the point when Enki and Enlil went back to Sirius? Does Bek-Ti's story have the power through missing links that he provided, to correct the potential misrepresentation of the ancient mythologies? What might have been Marduk's motives for distorting the history? The evidence found already in the transliterations of the cuneiforms by other authors, may confirm that some of the history provided in different cuneiform stories do conflict significantly with those cuneiforms created during the reign of early Egypt by Marduk. The hidden science explaining the star world genetic manipulation of ancient DNA, creating hybrids from Sirian ancestry, also from the Akhu Lords of a near-by galaxy, and the evolved "hominid beasts" of the natural earth evolutionary process, is yet to be fully analyzed and explained. This paper attempts to discuss, or "discourse" on these things, and the theories, at least, that arise from analytical integration of the various otherwise separate, distinct scholarly disciplines.
The problem is profound. That history may indeed have been rewritten by Marduk just as Bek-Ti reported, is a history that establishes a kind of ancient crime against humanity.  Nations of people have repeatedly suffered under tyrannical dictators, and a battle has continued between evil and righteousness concerning the natural welfare of others. Some people who somehow discovered the truth behind the lies of Marduk, if Bek-Ti's story is further substantiated, may have submitted to a despairing philosophy of nihilism because of their own disillusionment under the lies they may have recognized through shear logic about science and the nature of divinity of the universe, God and Nature. Would Hitler have done what he did to the Jewish people in the 1940s, had he not been erratically disillusioned, and worse, was evil, after knowing some incomplete information about the nature of the "Arian race" of the Arian Queens of Orion, described by Bek-Ti? His conclusions and subsequent evil actions were grave errors that might not have occurred to him, had he known the truth as all humanity deserves to know the distinction today about Marduk’s lies and authoritarian, totalitarian control over the people of Sumer and Egypt vs. knowledge of Enki's work as genesis science director on Eridu. The Arian Queens were concerned with the Sirians in their joint knowledge that became known as the “Osirian†mysteries of life. How Hitler arrived at an idea that the Jewish people are somehow outside the nature of all humanity under God, so that it was up to him to destroy them, is due to distortions of certain hidden or arcane truths. It is safe to say that Enki would not have permitted Hitler to undergo training in the Osirian knowledge, just as he excluded Marduk, from the schools of the Osirian knowledge.
The effect today of the different ancient stories on cuneiforms tends to diminish the far grander reality of the honest historical status they deserve for humanity now, because of the truths that may have been deliberately hidden within the "cultural mythology" of early Sumeria and later ancient Egypt. It has carried serious ramifications for all future generations since Marduk.  More people today, however, are rejecting perceived illogical aspects of certain, man-made religious dogma that they recognize simply as untrue. Perhaps they are further disillusioned by their own sense of nihilism or a belief that after they "die" there is nothing further, so why not "get" and "take away" all that one can get away with and give no thought to further personal effects to one's individual Soul life journey? Even if we have determined the nature of a greater, "eternal life", including life after death even in spirit, we all need to know more about Enki's philosophy, the truths he extended in behalf of humanity's ongoing spiritual evolution, which we all may find far greater in significance than any human since Marduk could only imagine, and it would overwhelmingly inspire divine, deeper sincerely unselfish objectives in behalf of humanity.ÂÂ
Spirituality is one of the eternal truths about humanity. All cultural religions, east and west, were affected adversely through the centuries and millennia because of erroneously founded dogmatic opinions or beliefs, because of the falsely established foundations of the history of humanity and religious superstitions stemming from the cultural practices of ancient Egypt under Marduk, although much that was good and beautiful was also brought forward from the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations.ÂÂ