Dear friends,
  I had hoped to not ever have to address the following, but current events have forced my hand. I care not for doomsday prophesies nor for politics for they seem to be one and the same, inventions of the powers that be.
  Today I saw what was described as a shooting spree in a Elementary School in Connecticut and, though my heart and mind should have gone straight to the mourning of those who lost there lives in a seemingly senseless act, I found myself engulfed in an endless and unprovoked contemplation of which resulted in the following vision of actions being set forth behind the scenes.
 The story is told as such a mad man enters a school and kills an unprecedented number of innocent young children, younger than in any such instance before. The killer entered the school wearing a mask to hide his identity but later took his own life even though he was wearing a bullet proof vest. Later reports indicated that the assailant who had killed his father and mother at their  residential home and then  gone to the school to kill staff and children.They were simply victims of an escalated domestic violence that had spilled over into a improbable but related environment.
  My mind reminds me of false flag operations that governments enact to fulfill hidden agendas, and in this case I believe that this was executed in a manner of which was intended to weaken the citizens of the United States' resolve of the Second Amendment of the Constitution.
  I propose that the supposed assailant was found dead after having killed himself after the murders of his Mother and Father, and a governmental protocol which had needed such an occurrence to be enacted,  which fit a pre-determined criteria allowed the plan to be set in motion.
  The conspiratorial possibilities are  that the assailant was found dead after killing his mother who worked in a school with many children and that "guns for hire" wearing masks  entered the school killing multiple innocents leaving the assailants body. They then left disguised as members of the swat teams that responded to the call.
  The point to this exercise was to enable the government to repeal the second amendment, to grab all the guns and say it was for the children.
  The choice is yours to believe what you like, but I tell you that you should not buy in to what you are told. The media licenses can be revoked at any time by the government. Therefore they are at the mercy of said government and can not be trusted for they have a vested interest in the outcome.
  In closing I beg, you the American people ... buyers beware.
                 Silence Do-Gooder